The second life of GMC's


Advert GMC Dinky Toys nr 881 Advert GMC Dinky Toys nr 881

Prices of both old miniatures and real 1/1 scale GMC CCKW's strongly depend on their state and condition. Miniature prices range from a few euros (1 euro = 1.09 US dollar = 0.79 british pound (checked in February 2016)) for a strongly played France Jouets, to over 1,000 euros for a mint & boxed Pinder GMC + cage trailer Dinky Toys (DT France 881, only 14 euro in 1969 !). Don't ever hesitate about buying an incomplete GMC Dinky Toys, as missing parts can be purchased from and on eBay. By the way, the French brand CIJ / Norev issued a perfect replica of this DT 881 for around 75 euros. New models are issued regularly by several firms. Altaya, for instance, offers value for money with their Pinder circus trucks (approximately 10 euro on eBay). I think their open and closed cab models are also an excellent basis for 1/50 scale conversions. Unfortunately, the British firm Hart-Smith has recently stopped the production of their 1/50 white metal CCKW kits. The 1/8 scale models from Fine Art Models are evidently the most precious ones: for the price of one you could as well buy two 1/1 scale GMC's.
According to the ads in various journal and sites, prices of 1/1 scale GMC's in Europe range from less than 3,000 up to over 9,000 euro (consult diagram).

Prijs van 1:1 GMC's GMC te koop

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©2016 sinds/since 7 Jan 2005 gewijzigd/revised 31 Jan 2016