The second life of GMC's
John Bosch his father seriously impressed (courtesy of John Bosch via Henk Jansen).
A tipper of the Terro firm coming from right, so.....(1960, source: Stadsarchief Amsterdam).
Bad luck for a tipper of F.M. Bos from Zeist.
Slippery road? (courtesy of Leo Mes).
Bad luck for a tipper of the Kok firm from Zaandam (courtesy of Eduard Hattuma).
Saving from above (courtesy of Harry Schols).
How do I tell it to my boss? (courtesy of Gerard Al).
Colleagues always help each other (courtesy of Henk Jansen).
Underestimated weight of a GMC or overestimated strength of the local bridge
(courtesy of H. Kamphof, ).
Unhappy Pasal dragline (from the archives of Peter de Groot).
Collission between the HTM streetcar 17 and a GMC in The Hagus
Collission of a streetcar and a GMC in Rotterdam.
Another dip in the pool: Wees firm from Malden (courtesy of Dik Kievit, brought to my attention by Henk Jansen).
Collision with streetcar (courtesy of Henk Jansen).
Unfortunate GMC with piling equipment of Groenleer firm (picture of Bob Slijkerman, sent to me by Henk Jansen).
Knowledgeable spectators giving their comments (source:
The GMC truck of Mr P Vandergaag seems to have played a role here.
GMC of Dutch army collides with street car, Amsterdam 1953.
GMC truck and trailer meet street car, Amsterdam 1954.
GMC wreck after collision with street car in The Hague, 1947.
Poor calculation.
Complicated collision.
Another collision in 1953.
Complex collision involving, at least, a GMC and a Volvo (source: Jan de Jong).
Peculiar customer of butcher shop.
'Mind your head' onto a tipper of Hoek firm from Rotterdam.
Collision between truck and car.
GMC out of balance (courtesy of Henk Jansen)
GMC delivering sand for reconstruction (courtesy of Henk Jansen)
Frontal collision (courtesy of Henk Jansen)
Land slide (courtesy of Henk Jansen)
GMC truck in an ackward position (courtesy of Henk Jansen)
GMC tipper on its side (archives of Ad Gevers, brought to my attention by Henk Jansen)
GMC tipper of Nelis IJmuiden almost collapsing (thanks, Henk Jansen, for bringing it to my attention)
GMC left behind after flooding on the isle of Schiermonnikoog, 1962 (courtesy of Henk Jansen)
Too much of a good thing (archives of Ad Gevers)
Dip in the pool sloot in Ablasserdam
Unfortunate tipper of C. Smit, Haarlem (archives of Ad Gevers, brought to my attention by Henk Jansen)
Remainder of NMW tankes after accident (archive of Bosman family)