The second life of GMC's
My own collection, counting 108 items August, 2023).
France Jouets M3/313, 1/60
DES models 48302, 1/48
Solido 6044, 1/50
Roco 606, 1/87
Wespe 24001, 1/24
Hasegawa (6)31120, 1/72
Johnny Lightning, 1/64
PST Belarus, 1/72
Hasegawa (6)31121, 1/72
Roco 611, 1/87
Solido 6142/13, 1/50
Solido 6125, 1/50
CMK clubmobile mounted on Altaya frame, 1:50
SSM 1376, 1:43
Dinky Toys 881, 1/43
Altaya, 1/50 with (home made) caravan
Duthy 43, 1/43 with Minicirque trailer, 1/50
Verem 838, 1/50 with Minicirque trailer, 1/50
France Jouets U15, converted, 1/60
Altaya, 1/50 with Altaya trailer, 1/50
Altaya, 1/50, reshaped into the Pinder 130 (show on ice, 1953-1955), 1/50
Verem 813=852, 1:50
Italeri 201 and 205 conversion, 1/35
Home made, based on. Smith O2S conversion, 1/48, and a Minicirque caravan , 1/50
Home made based on Altaya, 1/50, with home made trailer, 1/50
Smith, 1/48 and Minicirque trailer, 1/50
Home made, based on Solido, 1/50, with home made caravan/power unit trailer, 1/50
Home made based on Altaya, 1/50, with home made caravan and trailer, 1/50
Home made based on Altaya, 1/50, with home made caravan, 1/50
Home made based on CPC, 1/50 with home made caravan 1/50
Home made based on Altaya, 1/50, with home made trailer, 1/50
Home made based on Altaya, 1/50, with Minicirque caravan,, 1/50
Minicirque 131, 132, 133, 1:50
Smith, 1/48
Proto, 1/43
Solido 3117, 1/50
Solido, 1/50
MMT 12, 1/50
Roco 1630, 1/87
CPC, 1/43
Unknown brand (MMT?), 1/50
Mini Vehicules Incendie KT7 double cab, combined with Solido frame, 1/50
Combination of a GMC and Studebaker US6 kit from PST, 1/72
Verem 4002, 1/50
Verem 4012, 1/50
Solido, 1/50
Sibur 4002, 1/50
Sibur 4003, 1/50
MMT, 1/50
Italeri frame, wheels and bonnet, remainder home made, 1/35
France Jouets, 1/60
Home made based on Atlas, 1/43
Unknown brand, 1/50
Merceron CCFL, IXO, 1/43
Tubincendie CCFL, IXO, 1/43
REE Artitec CB075, 1/87
REE Artitec CB082, 1/87
Unknown make, based on Dinky Toys France, 1/43
GMC with Merceron body CCFL, IXO, 1/43
GMC CCFL of unknown manufacturer, 1/43
GMC mobile command post of unknown manufacturer, 1/43
GMC fire engine of Pellevoisin council, ECC/Verem, 1/50
GMC fire engine, Saint Avold council, of unknown manufacturer, 1/50
GMC CCKW, CCFL equipped by Froger, IXO, 1/43
GMC CCKW, CCFL equipped by Froger, Del Prado, 1/57
GMC CCKW, CCFL, 1/4343
Smith O2E, 1/48
Smith, 1/48
Dinky Toys 808, 1/43
Home made based on Altaya, 1/50
Home made based on Solido, 1/50
Ixo 'Garage' series, 1/43
Artitec 'Garage Zwart Wormerveer', 1/87
Roco 1675, 1/87
Roco 47796, 1/87
Italeri 205, 1/35
Italeri 201, 1/35
Italeri, combination of 205 and 201, 1/35
Italeri, combination of 201 and 205, 1/35
Home made based on Altaya, 1/50
Home made based on 2x Solido, 2x Altaya, 1/50
Conversion based on Solido GMC and adjusted Matchbox Orenstein and Koppel, 1/50
France Jouets J1, 1/60
Conversion based on Dinky Toys GMC and Tekno Akerman, 1/43
Conversion based on Roco GMC en Kibri Fuchs, 1/87
Conversion based on Altaya GMC and Matchbox King Size mixer, 1/50
Artitec (on Roco base), 1/87
Artitec (on Roco base), 1/87
Artitec (on Roco base), 1/160
France Jouets, dumper 1/60
Conversie based on Altaya GMC, and home made cable drum trailer, 1/50
MJM 258 / Debelleyme, Poclain TU hoe, 1/50
Roco 1631, 1/87
France Jouets U15/317, 1/60
CMK 91522, 1/87
Johnny Lightning, 1/64
France Jouets, 1/60
JSI China, 1/35
France Jouets, tanker, 1/60
France Jouets, road sweeper, 1/60
France Jouets, shelf transport, 1/60
Altaya and home made semi trailer, log transport, 1:50